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Coronavirus Contingency Plans

Dear Parent / Carer

Re: Coronavirus Contingency Plans

I am aware that there is understandable concern and indeed some confusion regarding the Coronavirus and the advice being given to schools on dealing with a potential or confirmed outbreak.

This letter is to assure you that we are following all advice being issued by the Department of Education in conjunction with the Public Health Agency. This advice is being updated as and when necessary in light of any new information that the Department of Health becomes aware of and can be viewed at

In line with current guidance we are adopting a business as usual approach, alongside a number of general precautions to help prevent the spread of infection. However, as this is a rapidly evolving situation, we have been doing some contingency planning so that we will be ready to deal with a number of different scenarios, including school closure.

In the event of a closure, the most important thing will be to ensure that teaching and learning can continue, this is especially important for those who have public examinations this summer. We will use a variety of methods to supply teaching resources for students, including paper copies, C2K email, phone contact and Google Classroom. With this in mind, we would ask that students ensure that they have checked their C2K passwords and can log on to My-School from home.

In the interests of effective communication please can I advise that you are able to access the school website: or Facebook page: Trinity Belfast. If the school were to close this will be our primary method of communication.

In the meantime, in school, we are taking all reasonable precautions to prevent the spread of any viruses or bugs and would ask parents to remind students of the importance of following good hand and respiratory hygiene. We have augmented the number of hand sanitisers throughout the school and our cleaning staff are disinfecting door handles etc. daily in addition to their normal cleaning routines.

May I take this opportunity to thank all in our community for their continuing support and assure everyone that we will continue to do all in our power to support our young people in their health and their studies at this time.

Yours sincerely

Jim McKeever (Principal)

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