Accelerated Reading
“There are many little ways to enlarge your child’s world. Love of books is the best of all.” — Jacqueline Kennedy
What is Accelerated Reader?
Accelerated Reader is a programme which promotes enjoyment and success in reading through a specifically tailored programme of books and quizzes to meet your child’s individual needs and reading ability.
The Accelerated Reader programme is shown to produce an average of two years’ reading age growth, in just one academic year, while promoting reading for pleasure. The programme encourages a love of reading, honed through developing a regular reading habit, whilst motivating students to attain their personal goals and targets.
How does it work?
Students complete an online STAR Reading Assessment.
The STAR test gives each student a personalised range of book levels to read.
The College Library is colour-coded for each of the different Accelerated Reader book levels.
As students read books in their levels, they complete online tests and work towards personal reading targets.
How does the programme motivate students to read?
The online tests mean that students can see and track their reading progress.
Students can work towards a variety of rewards with our Accelerated Reader rewards systems.
Parents can view their child’s progress when they obtain their own Accelerated Reader Home Connect login .